Building Next Generation Databases & Streaming Engines

We build data ingestion infrastructure for cloud so that you only focus on understanding your data. We take care of entire infrastructure so that you spend more time on analysis rather than maintainence or setup.
Vital information is just a few clicks away. Unlock the insights hidden in your data. Now you can easily build AI models and make informed decisions.

Resilient Fault Tolearnt Infrastructure Built For Cloud


Easy Analysis Of Data

Cloud Data Warehouse
Move your data whether on premise or scatterred in varying sources easily to the cloud. Utilize full power of cloud services to reduce costs of setting up an infrastructure.
Scaled Ingestion
Ingest humoungous data coming at lightning velocity. Integrate ingestion process with other services without the fear of downtime or data loss.
Informed Decisions
Feed your data into AI models to make informed decisions. Let machine learning and AI services assist you in making better decisions.

Don't think about infrastructure

“Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them." Alfred Whitehead